the program
16TH edition of the Monaco Blue Initiative – 24 march 2025
media partners
Welcome address by HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco
Monaco Time (UTC +1)
keynote speech
SESSION #1: How can we successfully transition from a « maritime » to a « regenerative blue economy”, and change scale to protect the economy and the marine ecosystems?
Monaco Time (UTC +1)
Using sectoral examples – shipping, tourism, renewable energies, infrastructure, exploitation of living resources – this session will examine the conditions for a successful transition and the key roles of international cooperation and mobilization of the financial sector.
keynote speech
Panel Discussion
Dialogue with participants
10:45-11:05: Group photo and coffee break
SESSION #2: How can science better guide institutional and economic decision-makers in preserving, sustainably managing and restoring marine ecosystems?
Monaco Time (UTC +1)
A few weeks ahead of the One Ocean Science Congress, this session will analyze the conditions for dialogue between the scientific world and political, economic and institutional decision-makers, for effective management, conservation and restoration strategies for coastal, offshore and deepwater marine ecosystems.
keynote speeches
Panel Discussion
Dialogue with participants
12:35-2:00pm: Lunch
SESSION #3:How can we accelerate the mobilization of financial resources to meet the targets of Sustainable Development Goal 14?
Monaco Time (UTC +1)
While SDG14 “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources” remains one of the least financially endowed, the panelists will share their vision and initiatives for mobilizing the funds available within the corporate world, banks, major institutions and philanthropy.
keynote speech
Panel Discussion
Dialogue with participants
3:20-4:00pm: Coffee break
Monaco Time (UTC +1)
“Update on the 3rd United Nations Conference on the Ocean – Point de situation sur la 3e Conférence des Nations Unies sur l’Océan“
H.E. Mr Olivier Poivre d’Arvor, Special Envoy of the President of France for the United Nations Ocean Conference
“Update on the 2025 IUCN World Conservation Congress – Point de situation sur le Congrès mondial de la nature de l’UICN de 2025”
“Update on Our Ocean Conference – Busan, 2025 – Point de situation sur la conférence Our Ocean – Busan, 2025”
Closing address
Monaco Time (UTC +1)
Mr Robert Calcagno, Chief Executive Officer, Oceanographic Institute, Prince Albert I of Monaco Foundation, Principality of Monaco
Mr Olivier Wenden, Vice-President and Chief Executive Officer, Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, Principality of Monaco